What happened in the EU in July 2018?
Brexit... It's bad for the economy: it takes years to make good business or trade deals with other countries. That is why politicians are showing their bad side. There's more to lose than to win. So they blame each other, saying it's the others that are making the mistakes.

The Prime Minister blames her party members who don't agree with her. Some blamed the Prime Minister and left the British government. So some media blamed the leavers for not being responsible. The EU negotiators also blame the British Prime Minister for not making enough progress. Even the USA's president blamed the Prime Minister.
Maybe they should focus on making a good deal instead of playing the blame-game? The EU gave a good example by signing a trade deal with Japan(article). Such a deal takes about 7 years to work...
Almost lost in the Brexit news: Austria is the new president of the EU countries. They will lead many meetings. What's important for Austria in their presidency? Migration, digitalisation and the countries to the south-east of the EU (read more).
The European Commission gave Google a fine of $5 100 000 000. Because they don't give enough chances to their competition with their software for mobile phones, called Android (article). It's also a way to get money for the EU's budget.
The European Parliament missed an opportunity. The politicians who win the elections get over €4000 each month to pay for an office in their home country so they can keep in touch with their voters. However, they're not forced to say how they spent the money and the Parliament won't force them in the near future (more info). A proposal for more transparency is off the table (article).
Question: what are asylum seekers and refugees? People who want to get protection and stay in another country can seek asylum. Some of those are refugees because they'll be tortured, killed or hurt in another horrible way in their home country. Countries who signed the 'Geneva Convention' - all EU countries did - should give protection to refugees. More info here.
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